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Exciting Changes and New Opportunities!


Updated: May 2, 2022

With the closing of Fitness One in Palm Coast, FL we embark on a new challenge. We need to find a way to stay active and motivated to stay active. Become a member of my group and receive notifications right to your phone, reminding you to be active with ideas on how to accomplish your fitness goals. Becoming a member is free. If you want a more personalized approach, fill out the contact form or start a chat on my website and I will get back to you on options with pricing. Your personal training decisions should be based on how self-disciplined you are. We offer multiple personal training program options and pricing that vary in levels of self-guided video and personal meetings. The more help you need, the more help you get, until you feel your new habits are strong enough to carry yourself through each day, while still achieving all the goals you set for yourself. If you need help deciding on a program that best fits you, we'd love to help, just ask!

Loving Life Fitness was founded by Angela Grayson of Flagler Beach, FL to provide the tools for positive changes in fitness level and eating habits. Find the motivation to make the choices needed to empower your mind and body for life!

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